miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

coming soon

cuando dejemos de ser tan barriletas (o por el contrario, cuando lo seamos demasiado) toni y yo vamos a escribir un libro de varios tomos sobre esas cosas clave de la psicologia de todos nosotros, y la vamos a romper sin duda alguna.
algunos de los temas van a ser el concepto de "la muerte" y como evitarlo (y como todos deberiamos evitarlo o al menos intentarlo), el fundamentalismo de la belleza, la droga, la moda, etc etc. se viene (?).

6 comentarios:

Toni dijo...

;) porfavor no tenemos que colgar. me pa que vamos anecesitar hablar con el negrito decarapa para todfo esto

Esteban Calamucha dijo...

canto el prólogo!

Esteban Calamucha dijo...

sobre tu post en blog sugar:

yo duermo tranquilo, mirtha

austerlitz50 dijo...

Me gusta tu blog. pasaré con mas tiempo.

Saludazos :-))

Lujivalo dijo...

me gusto tu blog.. agregame =)

لمار للتسويق الالكتروني dijo...

you are to provide better services and Amesha in cleaning tanks, maintain and take care of it.
Best tanks washing company Madinah specialize in cleaning tanks with sterilization
That you want to get healthy and free of microbes and salt water and diseases
Choose cleaning tanks company and we are one of the best companies that cater to customers' requests
Because we specialize and have experience in hygiene with better services and cheaper prices and less cleaning
It is known that water reservoirs bring a lot of diseases due to salinity and the period that is not
Where cleaning the tank of the most important things you have to be followed is that you clean up the water tanks
Every 6 months, at least until you get clean water and suitable for use
We are a mobile home company services, which in turn works to provide the required service to all
Customers inside the city of Medina and we care about the most important things we should Atkhozha
We provide the best distinct and labor strikers Ali washing tank top quality cleaning
We use the best sterilization and disinfection materials used _khasissaaa for cleansing and disinfection of water reservoirs
And also are reservoirs that the washing process was ground and upper and the cleaning process
Under the supervision of the Saudi administration to be handled properly in terms of services provided by the company
It also provides mobile company best deals and cheaper prices to suit all customers
It is the most important services company isolate the reservoir service is one of the most important things you should follow
Because this process gives you the best use of water well and without any damage to health
And also isolation process to maintain the reservoir of fungi, salinity and lack of water diversion

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https://rawdat-almadina.com/شركة-نقل-عفش-بالمدينة/ ‎

https://rawdat-almadina.com/شركة-تنظيف-خزانات-بالمدينة/ ‎